Proletariatism, is the concept of a principled statesman driven system of government which is overseen exclusively by elected members of the common working class citizenry. It is unlike the present day political apparatus we now find in the United states wherein the main focus is placed primarily on party politics, lobbyists and big corporate money, or as in other Socialist governments where the main emphases is on economic class struggle with their false and failed attempt at fairness and redistribution of wealth. Proletariatism, is very unique in comparison with these traditional systems mentioned in that its core principle is neither party politics driven, nor economically driven like in the Capitalist/Socialist systems. Proletariatism, is a system of government which aims to foster and forward the joint activism of the working class majority allowing them the ability to become more involved in maters of state as they become individual candidates running for public office at local, state and national levels. Proletaritaism, is in fact not a political movement, doctrine, ideology or party. It is a proactive political principle, element and ideological tool which can be easily adapted and implemented into a pre-existing system of any free state, be it a Democracy or a Republic. When a Democracy or a Republic utilizes Proletariatism, all pre-existing Constitutional laws and principles remain in place, intact and unchanged. There are only two main modifications made to present systems with the adapting of Proletariatism, one is who will be allowed to run as a candidate and hold office, the other deals with funding. In the first case, dealing with who are allowed to run as a candidate and hold office, a change is made as to which group, class or citizen body are permitted to hold or run for public office as active elected participants in there countries politics and government . When Proletariatism, is adapted only those citizens who are of the Proletariat, the common working class citizenry, which includes but is not limited to farmers, factory workers, welders, builders, plumbers, electricians, small business owners, professors, school teachers and so on, are allowed to hold any political office. Only members from this group of citizens are permitted to run for public office to thus become active members of there countries politics. Whereby citizens who belong to the wealthy, elitist groups, or upper class, the minority Capitalists, consisting of Industrialists, Bankers, large manufacturers, Corporations, etc. are prohibited from ever running for or holding public office at any level. They are also prohibited from taking any part what-so-ever in the affairs of there government either directly, by running for public office, or indirectly, making any form of financial contribution to a political campaign or any other government department, agency or body, be it at any level of government, local, state or national.

Under Proletariatism, while the wealthy are in every way prohibited from taking any level of participation in there countries government and politics, their wealth, positions, rights as a citizen, their freedoms and liberties are not molested, nor are they forced to pay higher tax rate then the rest of the populous. They may pursue their drive to increase their holdings privately only. They are simply prohibited from taking any active roll in there country's government and politics. These measures are put in place to protect and safeguard the freedoms, liberties and the overall well being of the majority the Proletariat, the common average citizen, against the greed and Progressive advancement of the Capitalists through corruption of government. The second element of Proletariatism deals with funding of campaigns. Under this system, all political campaigns and candidates running for public office at all levels are prohibited from utilizing any form of second or third party financial donations or contributions for their campaign. Furthermore, candidates are also prohibited from using any of there own personal finances or monetary assists for campaigning as well. This is a measure put in place to prevent corruption, by preventing criminal elements, foreign intrigues or Capitalists, from being able to influence the success of any campaign whereby placing an elected official under obligation indebted to them, consequently enabling the influence of legislation. Under Proletariatism, funding for all political campaigns is provided by the state in equal amounts. Whereby all candidates are given equal sums of capital for this purpose, regardless of a candidates social or financial standing or statues. This is done so that the success of a candidates run for office is no longer dependent on a candidates financial limitations, but rather the candidates desire to serve, his/her character, merits and abilities. It is also a means of making it possible for the average American man or women from the common working class Proletariat majority, to be able to run for public office. This eliminates the ability of the wealthy Capitalists and other elitist groups from domineering, monopolizing and unjustly commandeering Democracies and Republics for their own greedy purposes such as we are now experiencing in America and around the world.