The beauty of tyranny is the end once it has established its footing in society...ultimately the very ones whom contributed to its success will them selves and there families fall victim to it!....NO??....ask Trotsky and Lenin!...or how about the many thousands whom immediately right after the 79 revolution in Iran, whom had assisted the Mullahs in there struggle and rise to systematically executed.Bellow is a list consisting the names of those victims which had been butchered by Stalin, in what has been called the great Purge....Now what I find to be absolutely ....DELICIOUS! that every one of these individuals weir not only high ranking members of the ( Communist Party )...but rather many of them had in fact taken a direct and active part in the October Revolution in Russia, which had brought about the collapse of the czar Nicholas's Imperial Government..and had in its stead established the Soviet regime.

Sultan Majid Afandiyev - Bolshevik since 1904, one of the main Social-Democrats in Azerbaijan. Executed in 1938.

Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko - Menshevik since 1903, organized armed uprisings against the Czarist State during the 1905 revolution. Joined the the anti-war Mezhraiontsy after August 1914, and then the Bolsheviks when he returned to Russia in 1917. High-ranking commander of the Red Army during the Civil War, leader of the Red Army in the Ukraine. Executed in 1938.

Jaan Anvelt - Bolshevik since 1904, leader of the Communist Party of Estonia. Tortured to death in 1937.

Meshadi Azizbekov - Azeri Bolshevik, one of the 26 Baku Commisars butchered in 1918.

Ivan Babushkin - Bolshevik active in the Russian Marxist movement since the 1890s, executed in 1906.

Vladimir Bazarov - Bolshevik since 1904. Soviet economist. One of the victims of the 1931 Menshevik trial. Died in 1939, aged 55. Executed in prison.

Janis K. Berzinš - Bolshevik since 1905, one of the few Bolsheviks who were in Russia to participate in the February Revolution, one of the main Latvian Bolsheviks and a Chekist. Executed in 1938.

Vasily Blyukher - Joined the Bolsheviks in 1916. Bolshevik commander during the Civil War, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Tortured to death in 1938.

Gleb Bokii - Bolshevik since 1903, one of the leading Chekists. Executed in 1937.

Nikolai Bryukhanov - Bolshevik since 1903. Narkom of Finance, executed in 1938.

Andrei Bubnov - Bolshevik since 1903. he was executed in 1938.

Nikolai Bukharin - Bolshevik since 1906, joined when he was 18. Everyone knows Bukharin. Executed in 1938.

Alexander Chervyakov - Bolshevik since 1917. Founder and leader of the Belarussian Communist Party. Tortured and executed.

Vlas Chubar - Joined the Bolsheviks in 1907, when he was 16 or 15. Member of the Central Committee since 1921, Chairman of the Ukrainian Sovnarkom. Executed in 1939.

Gaioz Devdariani - Not much info on this one. Executed in 1938.

Semyon Dimanstein - Bolshevik since 1904. Executed in 1938.

Pavel Dybenko - Colorful personality. Executed in 1938.

Shalva Eliava - Bolshevik since 1904. Executed in 1937.

Avel Enukidze - Bolshevik since who knows when. Member of the Central Committee of the party. Executed in 1937.

Yakov Ganetsky - A "close associate" of Lenin and one of the leaders of Luxemburg and Dzerzhinsky's SDKPiL. Executed in 1937.

Aleksei Gastev - Bolshevik since 1903. Executed in 1939.

Konstantin Gey - Bolshevik since 1916. Member of the Central Committee of the party since 1924. Shot in 1939.

Nikolai Glebov-Avilov - Bolshevik since 1904. Shot in 1937. Nikolai Gorbunov - Executed in 1938.

Vladimir Gorev - Executed in 1938, after he returned to Russia from fighting in the Spanish Civil War.

Leon Trotsky, murderd with a pick ax by a Soviet Assassin "Ramón Ivanovich Lopez" (Рамон Иванович Лопес) with a blow to the back of the head.

Vladimir Lenin, died under mysterious circumstances.It has been suggested he had been poisoned.

Joseph Stalin, in the last moments of his life, was left to wallow and suffer in pain and his own vomit and defecation unattended.

THUS! the rewards rendered those who champion the case of ( MARXIAN SOCIALISM! ).