The problem is not Multi racialism or racial integration...but rather Multi Culturalism....because the race of a people signifies only the physical differences between one group of people and another....such as there skin color or the various attributes of there facial features etc.....however...Culture is the very foundation and soul of any given merge or integrate two races is like fusing or Grafting the leafs or stems of two plants or two trees nearly all cases there is no problem and the plant or tree will continue to grow and flourish...however...were you to try and perform that same operation with the roots....that plant or tree WILL! surely die....the culture of any given society is like the roots of a is the very life source, foundation and identity of any given tamper with that or try and merge it with other will lead to the lose of national identity and will consequently bring about the collapse and demise of that society. ''

-Darius Radmanesh